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Human Resources creates value by engaging in activities that produce the behaviors the company needs to achieve it's strategic goals.

Conflict Resolution

6 Reasons why Mediation Should be your First Step in Resolving Conflict

Running a business is demanding. You need to think about a strategy to sustain and grow your business. 

You need to handle the daily operations, manage employees, face clients, sign contracts and provide after sales services.


Occasionally, a dispute arises either with an employee, between employees, with

a client or a supplier.


When conflict emerges it can be hard to know where to turn to resolve it.

Sometimes we want tavoid it entirely and hope it goes away on its own. Other

times we want to punish the other side and bring down the hammer of justice.

In the long run though, either of these approaches are prone to backfiring.

Luckily, there’s another way to resolve your conflicts.



Image by Tamara Gak

Employers can manage workplace conflict by creating an organizational culture designed to preclude conflict as much as possible and by dealing promptly and equitably with conflict that employees cannot resolve among themselves. To manage conflict, employers should consider the following:

  • Make certain that policies and communication are clear and consistent, and make the rationale for decisions transparent.

  • Ensure that all employees—not just managers—are accountable for resolving conflict.

  • Do not ignore conflict, and do not avoid taking steps to prevent it.

  • Seek to understand the underlying emotions of the employees in conflict.

  • Keep in mind that approaches to resolving conflict may depend on the circumstances of the conflict.


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What to do in case of a business dispute?

How to act as leader while protecting your business?

6 Reasons why Mediation Should be your First Step in Resolving Conflict

1. Mediation is less risky and gives you more control over the outcome

When you go to court a judge will impose a solution on all parties. No one can say for sure what the result will be ahead of time, and you will have to live with whatever decision the judge makes. Ultimately, it’s not up to you.

Image by Wesley Tingey

2. Mediation is faster and less expensive than going to court

When you go to court a judge will impose a solution on all parties. No one can say for sure what the result will be ahead of time, and you will have to live with whatever decision the judge makes. So, ultimately, it’s not up to you.

Even if you think you have good chances of winning in court, research shows people, especially those without legal representation, tend to have unrealistically optimistic expectations of the outcomes they are likely to achieve.

3. Mediation is informal 

The role of mediation is to make it easier to find a solution through conversation. The style of each mediator is different, but each is focused on helping you find a resolution.

Image by Sebastian Pichler

4. It's private and confidential

Unlike court, which is public, no one needs to know you are attending mediation, and everything you say in the mediation session will stay in the session.

5. It preserves relationships

Unlike court, which is public, no one needs to know you are attending mediation, and everything you say in the mediation session will stay in the session.  It can even improve a relationship by creating better communication and understanding between both parties.

6. It lets you get back to your life


Many people report relief after mediation that the dispute is over and they can move on with their life. Especially in cases where they have been involved in a very long and stressful legal battle. Mediation is effective.

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